Surname, traditionally a show of family root, is facing challenge in modern China. With employment, income, better education, and equal right, Chinese women are demanding naming their children with their own surnames. And surprisingly, some Chinese men have agreed with this suggestion.
This revolution challenge will affect the traditional Chinese family structure and concept. However, with a one-child family, more urban population, and more say in family affairs, Chinese women are moving away from the traditional role and demanding more rights in making family decisions. As a compromise, some families have given their children with double surname, i.e. with both the surnames of father and mother.
Under the influence of Confucianism, Chinese social, cultural and political system is predominant male centric. However, the modernization process and rapid economic development have challenged these traditional values and practices. We cannot expect these changes to take immediate effect. While we too cannot expect the total decline of traditional values and practices. Chinese history has proved that Chinese are always adapting to changes and are good to neutralize outside influences and most of time, they survive and move forward.
Surname plays an important role of family relationship and kinship. In the past, many ordinary men and women want to associate with a reputable family by marriage, adoption or even changing their own surnames. Hence, a change in surname will affect the family tree and affect the future generation. However, for the goodwill of his family, this sacrifice is a good investment.
On the other hand, Chinese also value their surname and will try all means to protect and resist the change of their surnames. A gentleman will always keep his family surname although he may change his name by circumstance, by change of position, or belief. To maintain and keep the family surname is equivalent to protecting the reputation of the family.
Nevertheless, it was a great honor that the Emperor awarded a new surname to a family due to one’s contribution. However, having the same surname or names as the Emperor is not advisable. When a new dynasty was established, those affected people will have to change their surnames and names to prevent the conflict of having same surname or names as the new ruler. In written documents, words related or similar to the Emperor’s surname or names would have to change to other words.
Surname in fact is a family DNA tree. Since the surname is carried over by the male children. They, too carry the family DNA through generations to generations. It is therefore, possible to identify certain diseases with certain surname groups. This is in particular the family is living in a certain village in many generations. Chinese also has a traditional that a certain surname group is not allowed to marry to another surname group.
This could be a DNA issue or other reasons like enemy in generations, different race, dialect, etc.
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